MN event 11.12.24

57. Meeting MN-Hannover / Online Meeting on 11.12.2024 Time: 18:15-22:00

Dear colleagues, dear interested parties,

we would like to cordially invite you to our 57th meeting in Hanover on Wednesday, 11 December 2024.

It is a special pleasure and honour for us that Heike Hühmer will guide us through the special features of Rota therapy for neurological movement disorders in adults and children at our last workshop in 2024. She is a Rota therapist and lecturer and self-employed occupational therapist in Amberg. She is supported by Bettina Hutterer. She is the social leader of the Rota Society and an independent occupational therapist in Altmünster in Austria.

Rota therapy is a simple treatment principle for all ages. This includes not only the treatment and prophylaxis of spasticity and central coordination disorders, perceptual processing weaknesses, but also learning and attention deficits. The basis of therapeutic intervention is rotational movements around the three body axes and around the spinal column, with special consideration and avoidance of persistent early childhood reflex patterns. Exercises (the so-called lap treatment) and everyday movements can be learnt quickly by parents from infancy and have a positive effect on all vegetative functions and sensorimotor development. Treatment successes can be observed above all in patients with central coordination disorders, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s syndromes, spinal and joint problems e.g. scoliosis, tonus disorders / tonus stress of any kind (hypotonia e.g. in the context of Down syndrome).

In our workshop, Heike Hühmer and Bettina Hutterer will teach us the basic principles of Rota Therapy; simple movement exercises will be instructed and learned for use on your own body or on the patient, so that in future therapy sessions you can pay more attention to tone and reflex behaviour, as this is often the basis for further “work” on the resulting, developing functions and also parallel perception, according to their description.

So with your help, let’s once again think outside the box!

As always, we ask you to bring and present your own interesting cases from the entire field of movement disorders and thus contribute to the character of the workshop.

Our meeting has been recognised by the training academy of the Lower Saxony Medical Association under category C and for the registration of professional carers (RbP) with 5 points each.

We look forward to receiving your binding registrations (necessary for practical implementation) and your active participation in our evening together.

Kind regards,

Your Kind Nord team
Admission free | donations are requested